“Our award-winning learning philosophy shapes our
approach to teaching and learning. It recognises that only when all three elements of brain, emotions and motivation are activated does great learning happen”

The Learning Philosophy is ‘the golden thread that runs through all of our schools. The unique philosophy, based on neuro-science, guides how lessons are planned and delivered and helps us ensure our educational experience really supports and challenges students.
Our brains are like a muscle and the more we use them the cleverer they become. So effort and working hard is critical as the more we work at something the better we become. Every time we practise something it strengthens our brain, so the next time it’s not as hard. And as we improve we can start to take on new ideas and understand more as we continue to learn.
A goal gives a reason for learning. While our brains are capable of learning almost anything, we are only likely to use them if we are motivated to do so. What is the purpose of learning this? We should always understand why we are learning what we are learning as we are naturally more interested in learning it if we can see a direct worth to ourselves or how it will benefit us in the future.
How we feel about learning impacts upon how we study and take in information. The better we feel and the more confident we are about learning, the better we study, focus and make faster progress. On the other hand, negative feelings built on previous bad experiences – for example feeling belittled or made to feel stupid – can stop our brain from working at its best and affect how we learn. So learners need to feel they can ‘ignite their brains to learn’. The more they are in control, the more confident they feel and the more open they are to learning. Recognising the fact that it is a learning experience to fail makes us more resilient, confident and able bounce back.
So we focus our learners onto this, being mindful, nurturing their autonomy and building their confidence and independence.
Our attributes
At ALET, we are fortunate to have strong relationships with many and varied employers, from small local companies to globally recognised brands. We have worked with them to understand the attributes they most want in their employees; and we embed development of these attributes into our teaching and learning in all our schools.
We are proud that employers tell us, whether they meet our students at apprenticeship interviews, during inductions, or when they visit our schools to run careers events or masterclasses, they see these attributes demonstrated.